Day 5 & 6ish
SO much has happened and i'm not sure how to say it all. I've been to something called an "Unformal settlement." Which basicly means the slums. These houses are made of sheet metal and rock. There is nothing. No runinnig water, no toilets, nothing but the dirt and the tin. These people live in these slums and then go into the city to work. Most of them do not have a job by the standards we hold. The sell items on the side of the street to passing cars. They walk among the cars at stop lights trying to pedal things like soda, wooden bowls, even a world map or globe.
Seeing this place has really weighed on all of our hearts. We're completely taken aback by the unbelievable poverty that we've seen here. But equaly as stunning is nearly the same side of town has a huge mall that houses hundreds of the worlds top brands of materialism. Sadly that's where i am right now. The only place that i could find internet.

There are many more pictures of this village to come; I don't have them with me right now.
God bless this settlement