Thursday, March 31

Photo of the Day 3-31-05

Old Church (day)So
there's this old church right across from the starbucks that I work at. I though
it would be worth sharing with you. I took the liberty of playing with the images
a bit. They both come from the same photo.



Old Church (night)Just
the other day i watched a funeral procesion take place in this church. It really
makes me stop and think. To remember my Uncle Curt. I realize that it's not
about what I do with my ilfe, but who i am to others. How i've helped them and
improved their lives. Why on earth would I obsess over my needs and what i want?
That's extreamly pointless. I'm stuck on this earth along with the rest of you.
To be honest it kinda stinks here. I'll have the rest of eternity to get what
i want. God will give me all things then, but now I should give all I have.

Monday, March 28

Photo for 03-28-05

Originally uploaded by jdasquared.
Another beautiful day in Franklin. An interesting cross high atop the church on the corner of Five Points.

Saturday, March 26

Photo(s) of the Day 03-26-05

are some more pictures from around Downtown Franklin. I'm very happy because
my parents are in town this weekend. So We'll finally have something interesting
to do. I'm glad your here Mom & Dad.

This is a lamp post ontop the parking garage. It seems a bit out of place with
the rest of the concrete structure. I think it's a nice lamp shade, but it feels
a bit too nice for the big pile of concrete it's sitting on.

Downtown FranklinI
just happened to look up at the right time for this jet to be flying by. I thought
it apropriate to have a little old, a little new. I think I heard a rumor that
this use to be the courthouse when Franklin was the county seat, i'm not sure.

Friday, March 25

Photo of the Day 03-25-05

Originally uploaded by jdasquared.
I've just decided that I love to take pictures. flickr seems to be a place to just share your favorite photos with the world so I'm going to share our little town with the world. Franklin, TN has so many wonderful people from all ove the world, so why not let you see the sights and people.

This first picture is of my freind Paul. He's a funny soap making british man that owns a bath shop in downtown Franlin. He makes all his soaps, fizzies, lip balm, and face masks himself. He works in the day and brews up the best soap in the world at night. If you've never been to the shop please check it out, his products have changed my bath life.

Friday, March 18

Honestly I feel great about our financial future now.

Honestly this show and the Financial Peace University is the only way I'm going to be secure in this money based world. Jessica and I feel secure and confident about our Financial outlook. If you have any debt at all, you really need to listen to his show. It's Broadcast on the web or there might be a radio station that offers it. All the FPU class is amazing!

Tuesday, March 15

New PhotBlog

New York City pictures are up.

There's not a lot right now, but it's growing. There will be quite a few later
on. Right now there is only an album of our New York trip. But soon there will
be a section just for tulip and other trips. Enjoy.

JDAsquared's PhotoBlog @ Flickr

Saturday, March 5

Poor Sick little Tulip

If you think about it pray for out little Tulip. She’s sick as a... well a pug. She ate some tassels off a throw and my hands free thing. We’re a little worried about her. She’s been just pitiful for the past three days. I’m really worried about her but the vet says she’ll be ok. (The vet says this for $88) But I guess little Tulip is worth every penny. I’m pretty sure I would fall apart if she went away.

Friday, March 4

Crawltech Offroad Outfitters & Fabrication Shop

This is a company run by a good freind of mine from High Shcool. He's a great guy with a wonderful heart for the Lord. I'm so happy for him that he's doing so well in the very tough world of offroad dealers.

So if anyone that reads this needs the best lift kit around, Talk to him.

Crawltech Offroad Outfitters & Fabrication Shop

Tuesday, March 1

"I'll have the 'Hands Free' special of the day, please"

I just thought i might share with the world what our little dog decided to have for dinner last night. Aparently cell phone accessories are in a pugs diet. I didn't not know this otherwise i could have avoided this $15.00 meal for a dog. (By the way it took me forever to find this thing that cheap, not sure I can snag a deal that good again) I can only assume the the rubber earpiece is resting saftly inside her little belly.
Well needless to say I was a bit angry at the little animal. Again God uses a very small pug to teach me patients.

I would just like to add that I just recently took Tulip outside and she gave me the earpiece back